Wednesday, 14 September 2016

14th, 15th, Sep,2016 - National Seminar

9-9-2016- District Level National Science Seminar “Pulses for Sustainable Food Security- Prospects & Challenges”

The Department of School Education, Krishna Dt organized a District Level Science Seminar on  “Pulses for Sustainable Food Security- Prospects & Challenges” on 9th September, 2016, in collaboration Department of Botany  at Andhra Loyola College,(Autonomous),  Vijayawada.

Total 181 Students from different schools from Krishna(Dt) participated and presented their papers in the form of oral, posters and PPTs.

Dr. B. Siva Kumari, Dr. N. Praveen Kumar, Dr. A. Anne williams and Ms. Kavitha acted as Jury Members. All the officials from the College and DEO office monitored this programme.

Sunday, 4 September 2016


The Departments of Botany, Biotechnology & Microbiology have organized  a two day DBT – MHRD, Govt of India, New Delhi, sponsored National Seminar  on “Emerging Trends in Environment and Sustainable Development”on 2nd & 3rd September,  2016 at Andhra Loyola College,(Autonomous),Vijayawada. 
Prof. V.S.R.K. Prasad, Chairman of AP State Appraisal Committee, Govt. of A.P., Sri .Ramesh, Principal Secretary, Chief of the A.P Forest Department Govt. of A.P were the Chief Guests for both Inaugural and Valedictory respectively